MAGPI is a regional Internet2 GigaPoP (or "Regional Optical Network") serving the Non-profit and Research & Education community in Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Participating institutions include area universities, colleges, community colleges, K-12 schools, hospitals, museums, and a variety of other non-profits
MAGPI provides high-speed, advanced-capability network connectivity between member institutions and to national R&E backbone networks like Internet2. The connection to the Internet2 backbone is a 10 Gigabit Ethernet link, rate limited to 2.5Gbps (the current bandwidth subscription). Commercial ISP service via Cogent Communications is also available. MAGPI offers IP unicast and multicast routing to destinations connected to Internet2 and its domestic and international R&E peers. Connectivity to a large number of commercial entities over the Internet2 backbone is available via the I2 Commercial Peering Service. Native IPv6 routing is offered to the global IPv6 Internet. MAGPI has a private peering with Comcast to enable low- latency, low-congestion paths between member institutions and home users on Comcast's residential broadband network.
MAGPI's primary point of presence is in the carrier hotel at 401 North Broad Street in downtown Philadelphia. A subscriber's connection to MAGPI (also known as the "access circuit" or "local loop circuit") must terminate at the specific location:
Routes that MAGPI advertises to the subscriber are:
MAGPI accepts all routes received from subscriber. These routes will be carried within MAGPI and advertised to other MAGPI subscribers. In addition, if the subscriber is an Internet2 participant, then the customers routes will be advertised to Internet2. If only selected subscriber routes qualify for Internet2 participation, then only those routes will be advertised. If subscriber is purchasing commodity internet access, then subscriber's routes will be advertised to MAGPI's commodity ISP peers. If subscriber enrolls in the I2 CPS, then subscriber's routes will be advertised to the CPS.
MAGPI provides native multicast peering using the following protocols: MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol), MBGP (Multi-protocol BGP) and PIM-SM v2 (Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode, version 2). MAGPI currently has native multicast peering with the Abilene/Internet2 backbone network and several MAGPI member institutions.
Note: MAGPI does not provide a PIM-SM Rendezvous Point. Customers should configure a Rendezvous Point within their network. Additionally, customers should configure filters on their edge routers for the administratively scoped multicast range (239/8) and PIM BSR (Bootstrap Router) messages.
MAGPI can provide native IPv6 connectivity to subscribers. MAGPI routes IPv6 inside it's own network and peers natively with Internet2's IPv6 service and thus to the rest of the global IPv6 network. Customers requesting IPv6 service may additionally request a /48 sized IPv6 address block, which will be assigned out of MAGPI's /40 provider-allocated block. Customers with provider independent IPv6 allocations or assignments may use it to peer with MAGPI.
Note: MAGPI does not provide tunnelled IPv6 connectivity to subscribers. Subscriber's who wish to obtain IPv6 connectivity are required to have a border router capable of routing IPv6 natively.
MAGPI is currently in the process of enabling connections to the Internet2 Dynamic Circuit Network (DCN), an on-demand, dynamically configurable optical circuit network for research applications. Potential customers of this service are advised to get in touch with the MAGPI Network Operations Center.
MAGPI has operated DNS zones signed with DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions) since 2006. Customers obtaining IPv4 or IPv6 address allocations from MAGPI, and who wish to use DNSSEC to secure the relevant reverse DNS zones, may obtain a secure delegation from MAGPI.
MAGPI Network Operations Center (NOC) Office Number 215-746-4NOC Pager Number (Voice mail at office number will page technician off hours) Email Address noc@magpi.netShumon Huque, MAGPI Network Engineering, Last Updated: 2009-06-29